We love recommending the coolest games to the Polyspice community. The thing is, there are too many awesome games out there so we need your help. We’re looking for talented content creators like you to help us find awesome mobile games and write for us about them.

Polyspice doesn’t share “Reviews” we only cover games that are worthy of recommendation. This is not a place to talk smack about games or to write about games you’re feeling warm about. We want Polyspice to be a place where people come to find games they really want to play.


  • You get to keep the game keys or any kind of premium access granted to you for the goal of writing a recommendation.
  • You can use your own affiliate links to profit from your content.
  • Articles will be published under your name. You will be able to submit with the article a bio, up to 3 social links and a do-follow backlink to any site you chose.
  • We will help you share your content. Our team will distribute your articles through our internal channels for an extra boost of traffic.

Writing for us is simple. Please send your contact information and content portfolio to our Discord server and make your case in person.

If we feel you are a good match for Polyspice we will send you an invitation for you to create an authors account. There you will be able to submit any articles for review and publishing.

Once you have your account, you can ask us for premium games keys. We can’t guarantee that we’ll get them all, but you’ll get to keep those we do. You can also write about free games, or games you already own. As long as those games have already been covered on the site.


  • Only original content. Don’t submit content that you’ve already posted on other blogs. Special exceptions can be made for the content shared on your personal social channels. In that case, contact the editor before submitting.
  • No blatant advertisement. Your recommendation should cover what you like about the game. It shouldn’t be a sales pitch.
  • Only positive game reviews of good games. We want to share with our audience the games they will really want to play.
  • +500 words articles. Now, we encourage you to go the extra mile and write more. Articles with 2000 words or more perform better regarding SEO.
  • Don’t ask for game keys (Or any kind of premium access) on behalf of Polyspice. Please ask us for any premium games you’d like to play and let us contact the developers.
  • Include visual content. Record videos and take screenshots of the games you are recommending to include in the article.